We have wide variety of both male and female non sexual escorts and private escorts available for hire. You will find some of the best looking, sociable, and intelligent companions and their profiles are available to view at your pleasure.
Many of our non sexual escorts are highly educated, specialists in certain fields, and/or have successful careers themselves. All have dazzling personalities, impeccable manners, bilingual and impressive social skills. Every escort is always well presented, on time and reliable. They know how to promote and compliment their client to others at the gathering to ensure that anyone they meet is left with a very good impression of them and their date. We provide absolute confidentiality and discretion for both companions and clients.
Our female escorts are some of the most beautiful and desired women within their profession. From the young and dynamic to the more mature and experienced. All the ladies you could meet are high class and open minded, many have normal jobs and professions, but all are united in wanting nothing more than to turn your fantasies into a reality. We aim to give you an experience that will give you memories to cherish forever.
We also have a wide and tempting portfolio of male escorts of all ages and races. Over the last few years, we have seen a massive influx in women booking men for a night of pure pleasure. These professional and extremely sexy male escorts have been trained to listen and multitask, they love to make the client feel relaxed, special, and sensual.
For more information about our non sexual escort and private escorts feel free to contact us at any time, we look forward to being at your service.